Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunday, Sunday

I should have mentioned yesterday that there's a comment on Day 5 from one of Human Givens people, Eleanor Tyrrell. I'd implied, stupidly, that they might see meditation as competition. She set me straight, and what she said is definitely worth a look.

Short of time again today, but here's another coincidence for you. I was eating my breakfast this morning when suddenly there was a crunch in what should have been a mouthful of soft stuff. I went through to the bathroom, pulled out and examined the contents then had a close look in the mirror, and I've lost a corner of a crown. So I went back through to the kitchen, where my radio was tuned to BBC Radio 4, and within, literally, two or three minutes, on came a program about dentistry. Check it out here. It's actually very interesting, on the development of dentistry in the US and the UK. But in a week's time that link will probably point to a different article.

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